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The Laboratory

LPCC - Laboratory of Column Preparation and Chromatography of LADETEC- IQ - UFRJ was created in 1982, in order to disseminate the knowledge of High Resolution Gas Chromatography (HRGC)

Due to the creation of a handicrafts factory of glass capillary columns, it greatly contributed for HRGC application in research works at the Institute of Chemistry, as well as for the formation of Masters of Science (MSs) and Doctors of Philosophy (PhDs).The laboratory provides technical support for the other LADETEC associated laboratories and performs research in HRGC application areas, particularly in chiral analysis of pharmaceutical drug precursors, analysis of high molecular weight compounds and analysis of indoor air.


License: Government Health Department of Rio de Janeiro
Council of Chemistry 3rd Region


Site Ladetec v2.0 - Site desenvolvido por: DIEGO PIFFARETTI e TIAGO RIBEIRO
- Laboratório de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Tecnológico - Todos os direitos reservados